News Section

The latest from Opus Guide

Bringing AI to Opus Guide - Jan 19, 2024

Dear Opus Guide Family,

This week we have added new features which we think will boost your productivity significantly:

1) The ability to copy (and subsequently edit) existing processes and instructions. Choose what you want to duplicate, go to Settings for the respective instruction or process and click "Duplicate" - done!

2) Let GPT create your instructions! Under "Instructions" you can now choose "Generate with AI": just click, describe the instruction set you want to see generated, confirm with "Create" and let GPT create your instructions. Another easy way to save hours every week with Opus Guide! We do recommend you review the instructions before sharing with others, given the current state of AI. Enjoy!

Best regards,

Augustas and Jan

New Functionality and a Happy New Year! - Dec 30, 2023

Dear Opus Guide Family,

Just in time for the New Year celebrations we bring you the final update of Opus Guide for 2023.

What’s new: we added drag & drop functionality across processes, folders and instructions - don’t you just love some convenience?You can now visualise your processes in the classical process flow format, making it easy to review your processes and spot mistakes.Stay tuned as we will bring you more updates in January - AI integration anyone? Until then we wish you and your loved ones a healthy and successful 2024!


Augustas and Jan

First Changes - Dec 1, 2023

Hi Opus Guide Family,

From today you will start to see regular improvements to your Opus Guide. Rather than bundle many changes into rare updates we will roll out smaller enhancements in meaningful steps.This week's update to Opus Guide brings you a cleaner interface and the Folders functionality: under "All Content" you can now create folders and use drag-and-drop functionality to structure your work more easily.Please tell us about your experience with the new Folders feature: and stay tuned for more enhancements before the end of the year!

Best regards,

Augustas and Jan

A New Start - Nov 1, 2023

Guess what? We've got some awesome news! Opus Guide has officially changed hands, and we couldn't be more stoked about what's in store for the future. I am excited to announce that we have teamed up with Augustas to bring Opus Guide to the next level.What does that mean for you?All About You: We would love to hear from you: what do you love about Opus Guide? What can we do better? What features are you missing? In the next weeks, we will invite you to participate in a survey and/or video interviews, to understand how you would like Opus Guide to help you. Keep your eyes peeled for invites!Next-Level User Experience: Over the next weeks, we will improve the way you interact with Opus Guide, making it easier for you to get the best from your experience.Innovation Galore: While we have some great ideas for future improvements, we want to make sure that these will actually make your life easier. So please bear with us we while build a roadmap based on your feedback.The Opus Guide team is here to stay! Stay connected, keep an eye on your inbox, and get ready for Opus Guide 2.0! If you've got questions or just want to shoot the breeze, hit us up. We love hearing from you.
